Las Palabras del Presidente Manuel Luis Quezon y Molina
>> 21 November 2009
Words of the great President Manuel Quezon in English and Spanish for the Filipino people and the former colonial master, the Yankees. It was said he learned English in just 18 days! Claro M. Recto learned it in 3 months. Both were hispanoparlantes. The English language was so foreign during their time since only the Filipino dialects and Spanish were widely spoken and understood by the majority. Among the Filipino dialects, he adopted Tagalog as the basis of the country's national language while Spanish and English were given importance and were official in the land. He is known as 'Father of the National Language.' The last hispanoparlante in the family died 13 years ago. My generation will learn it otra vez (again) and will love the country more... ☺
I would rather have a country run like hell by Filipinos than a country run like heaven by the Americans, because however bad a Filipino government might be, it can always be improved.
— Pres. Manuel Luis Quezon M. (August 19, 1878 — August 1, 1944)
Muy intensos tuvieron que ser esos 18 días, aunque doy fe, por mi propia experiencia que en 15 días(6-7 horas al día) intensivos equivalen a 1 año entero de estudio normal de un lenguaje extranjero.
Si lo extendemos a 30 días y los hacemos muy intensivos...
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